The short answer is to watch our videos and review what’s on our website. In addition, please consult with one of our concrete crushing experts to be sure you understand what your options are and the pros and cons of each.

The size of the input material, volume of material to be crushed and the desired discharge products are vital in choosing the right concrete crusher.
If you’re trying to produce a perfect product and/or competing with another company crushing concrete or crushing asphalt, it’s imperative your material quality is as good or better than anyone else. The gradation of the finished product can be very important. Most state DOTs have a specific gradation range that must be adhered to in order to meet the DOT requirements. The type of crusher you use can and will change the gradation of the material and the material quality.

Jaw crushers and impact crushers are the most popular types of crushers. Each type has pros and cons. When thinking about gradation, the jaw crusher will most likely produce a coarser blend of material whereas the impact crusher will most likely produce a finer gradation of material with more powder and dust.
The amount of rebar and wire can also help to determine the better type of crusher. Jaw crushers are more rugged and handle steel better than impact crushers. The principle of how an impact crusher works is to impact and try to explode material. When steel, wire, and/or rebar are fed into an impact crusher, the machine could be damaged or wear out significantly faster than a jaw. The jaw crusher operates at slower speeds and tries to compress and compact material rather than explode it. In addition, the jaw crusher would be used to crush hard material such as granite whereas impact crushers are used to process softer materials.
The feed opening, discharge settings, horsepower and cost of the machine are all considerations when determining what concrete crusher to use. The feed opening is critical because chunks of material must be small enough to fit in. If they’re not, one must prepare the material to fit into the feed opening with hydraulic hammers or pulverizers. This adds cost to the crushing process and should be considered. The discharge setting is crucial because the machine must be able to squeeze down or open up to produce the products you wish to make. The horsepower of the machine must match the feed opening, discharge setting and hardness of the material being crushed. Too little horsepower can lead to jams or overheating. Lastly, the cost of the machine to purchase and operate can make or break the business plan. There are numerous other considerations when selecting the right concrete crusher.

In order to serve you best and be sure you select the right machine for your needs, please contact one of our professionals and let them know all of your details. Our concrete crushing experts will help you select the perfect machine for most of your work. We focus on your business and want to be sure you are profitable.