The answer is to TRUST but VERIFY ! There is a difference between assembled in the USA and Made in the USA. What is most important is that you’re getting the machine or product that is best for you and the best quality.
When companies claim to be Made in the USA, you’re trusting them to be telling the truth. If it’s important for you to buy American, you can verify by visiting the factory or asking for a live video or Facetime to be sure they are being truthful.
We all know that buying American made products has the added benefits of accessibility of parts. If it’s made in the USA, the parts should be more readily available than overseas. In addition, you would have easy access to engineers and support if the products are made in the USA.

It’s an unfair business practice to purposefully deceive clients into believing the products are made in the USA when they are not.
In a global economy where products are sourced from a variety of countries, many American as well as foreign products comprise a variety of components that may not all be made in the country of origin. In other words, not every component of an American product is made in the USA.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, “Made in USA” means that “all or virtually all” of the product has been made in America. That is, all significant parts, processing and labor that go into the product must be of U.S. origin.
US Manufacturers who represent they are using some major components that are made elsewhere are at least being honest. Buyers must verify if they feel the manufacturer is being truthful or deceptive. After all, who wants to buy something from anyone who they consider to be deceptive in advertising.
Claiming to be Made in the USA has obvious sales advantages that should only be available to those manufacturers who truly manufacture in the US and not simply assemble or paint their products the company colors.